I have nothing but apologies for my lack of posting and communication. Too put shortly there is a lot going on in my life and it has caused me a lot stress, so much to the point I have made myself sick on a couple of occasions and because of that I haven't had the motivation needed to write.
I have tried on multiple occasions to sit down and right but nothing and it just makes me feel worse.
I have two posts for you and that will be the end of Dri and her story, there is this one and then the following one will be a time jump to see how their lives end up because I've had that written for a while now, knowing how I want the story to end.
I know there will be some questions left unanswered, like the brief mention of Rose a few posts back.
I will try my best to tie everything up but leave a comment on the things you want answered the most and I will try my best to answer them, whether in the next post or a response in the comments.
Again, I apologise for my lack of communication.